Shop Operations Archives - Page 47 of 73 -
Making New Equipment Pay For Itself In 90 Days

In the best-case scenario, the new equipment pays for itself, increases trust and loyalty with your customers, improves efficiency, and leaves you with no regret. But, the opposite is always a possibility: the equipment never pays for itself, it goes unused, it breaks down and makes your team inefficient, and ultimately makes you wish you’d never have written the check.

shop equipment
Environmentally Conscious Auto Service

What is environmentally conscious auto service? Let’s face it: repairing automobiles is a dirty business. As a technician working in car dealerships for 10 years, I saw first-hand how the industry dealt with waste and how repairing automobiles promoted a harsh approach to the use of chemicals.

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5 Easy Vehicle Delivery Steps That Generate More Repeat Business

Discuss these five steps with your staff, and start “wowing” your customers today!

5 Ways To Find Qualified Technicians

One of the challenges that shop owners have faced for years is finding and hiring qualified technicians. Here are 5 of the most successful techniques that I used to find the superstars when I was still operating shops.

Marketing In The Age Of Social Media

The ability to create a brand is no longer under the control of a product or service provider, nor the ad agencies. In today’s world, brands are now created by one entity more than any other, and that entity is social media.

Servicing Fleet Account Vehicles … A New Profit Center For Your Shop!

Tom and Joe Palermo shed some light on the challenges they faced as they embarked on new service territory, how they equipped their shop and team to take on additional vehicles and their varied service requirements, and the opportunities that resulted from establishing a new service “profit center” for their growing business.

Buying vs. Leasing Equipment

Equipment costs are unavoidable. Whether it’s the front of a shop, back office or in the bay, repair shop owners and tire dealers need a variety of tools to keep their businesses running. The debate for many business owners is if they should buy or lease this equipment. So when it comes time to make equipment acquisition decisions, it’s important for business owners to understand the pros and cons of buying and leasing.

How Did We Do Today?

It’s widely accepted that gathering customer feedback can help a repair shop better meet its clients’ expectations. After that, the clear-cut details start to fade. What’s the best way to gather feedback – and exactly what customer satisfaction data should be sought? And once you have the data in hand, how do you translate that to positive changes in your shop?

Turning Employees Into Salespeople

Looking for new ways to address flat sales and low profitability? Try turning all your employees into salespeople. Regardless of an employee’s position or job description, there’s an opportunity for people at all levels to be salespeople. Here are eight ways to make sales part of every person’s job, adapted from Patricia Sigmon’s new book “Six Steps to Creating a Profit.”

The Payday Polka

Payday. While it is music to an employee’s ears, payday presents logistical and legal challenges for your company. One of the chief challenges is ensuring your employees are paid properly under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Why does FLSA matter to you? Money. Improperly paying employees opens you up to potentially massive liability from a collective action.

A Winning Workplace

Having difficulty finding talented employees? Take a good hard look at the engagement level of your existing employees first. Spending the last 20+ years in business consulting, the past 10 in my own practice, I have too often heard the plea “we can’t find good people” from business owners and/or management personnel. In fact, if you’re a shop owner or manager, there’s a very good chance you’ve said this yourself at one point or another.

5 Ways To Stay Out Of The Courtroom

When it comes to business, there are so many things that owners need to do, the last thing they need is a lawsuit related to employment matters that can be easily avoided. Here are five tips to avoid employment lawsuits.