Shop Operations Archives - Page 46 of 73 -
The Total Service Experience: Make It Exceptional From Start To Finish

Our mission at Repair One is “to provide quality and dependable auto repair and service with complete integrity and to build long-term relationships based on honesty, service and respect.” In order to accomplish our mission, many steps and procedures must be in place and consistently followed.

Managing Problem Employees

Managing difficult employees and holding them accountable in a litigation-happy environment often feels akin to walking a tightrope while wearing a blindfold. And, while not every under-performing or disgruntled employee will take legal action, companies can discourage litigation by instituting and consistently following good discipline and performance policies.

Web Presence Management: Video Is King

Social media followers are proven to be more engaged with video than any other type of posting, meaning they “Like,” comment or share video posts more than any other type of posts. More engagement means more branding opportunities for your business. And, when handled correctly, websites that add fresh video regularly also see their rankings go up. These should be compelling reasons to add video to what you do online.

Be Wary Of Implementing Price Increases

Over the years, I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of shop owners do irreparable damage to their businesses. This damage occurs when they are mesmerized by the management trainers or consultants who tell them that they can solve all of their problems by raising their prices. Before you listen to the pied pipers who tell you that you can solve all of your problems by jacking up your prices, I wanted to share a different strategy with you.

A Shop Owner’s Guide To Staying Ahead Of The Competition

Not long ago, it was easy to beat your competitors. All that you needed was more equipment, a healthy advertising budget and the ability to fix cars right the first time. Well, those days are long gone. Today, cars are being built better and require service less frequently, customers have more choices than ever before, and they are able to do a tremendous amount of research online before they even pick up the phone.

Struggling To Find The Superstar Technicians? Make An Offer That’s Hard To Refuse

Without question, it is getting harder and harder to find the really great technicians. We just need to bear in mind that they’re out there, and that they’re more than likely relatively happy where they are. So how do you reach these superstars? Well, you may want to consider what your competitors would never dream of doing, and offer a referral reward that gets the attention of everyone in our industry who resides in your community.

Guide For Hiring The Superstar Service Advisors

If you want to build a successful auto repair business, you will need to have a number of things in place, yet nothing is more important than having service advisors who can sell in a professional and ethical way.

What Every Shop Owner Needs To Know About Advertising

Most shop owners have learned a lot from their mentors, including the importance of listening to their customers, fixing cars right the first time, and never putting money ahead of people. Unfortunately, in far too many cases their mentors pass on some information that actually shouldn’t be followed.

Drafting Your Fantasy Team

The only ticket to growth is freedom. The only ticket to freedom for an entrepreneur is a team you trust to follow your business vision. Established businesses fall into certain ruts. Things are moving along and people on your team will leave, and others will be hired to take their place. This can become routine and done without a lot of thought as long as there are enough people to get the job done. Your job, or your manager’s job, is to simply manage the process.

Mobile vs. Responsive Websites

The importance of shop websites – and the ever-growing trend toward mobile devices – leaves shop owners with a few options: keep a traditional website and hope for the best, offer both a regular and mobile-friendly website, or offer a single, responsive website designed to adapt in size and features depending upon the device a visitor is using.

The Benefits Of Financing

Even if a business chooses to purchase equipment, rarely do they purchase it with cash. In fact, whether leasing or buying, “seven out of 10 companies use some sort of financing when acquiring equipment,” says William Sutton, president and CEO of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association.

Insurance Plans: Are You Covered?

You’ve worked hard to keep your business running. The last thing you need to worry about is an incident ending your business because you can’t afford to pick up the pieces. Reviewing your insurance plans about once a year is a good way to make sure you’re prepared to handle virtually any incident. To help you with a review, or as you shop for new coverage, we spoke with automotive insurance experts for advice on how you can make sure your business is covered.