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Publicity: Sometimes Better Than Advertising

I am a believer in “guerrilla marketing,” which is a strategy that allows us to compete with the big guys, without going head to head with them. Most of us cannot compete on the same level as a large dealership or national account, and we shouldn’t. It’s actually more important to find out what the competition is doing and do the opposite.

Marketing To Women: It’s More About What You Do Than What You Say

Let’s be honest: our industry has a less-than-stellar reputation, especially among women. It’s understandable, considering that less than 1% of ASE-certified technicians and only 7% of service advisors are female. This is still predominantly a man’s world; and let’s be real, most men just don’t get women.

Is Groupon For You?

We all know about the rage that is going on with the Groupon-type services, and with many businesses, I see where it can be a really good fit. Examples would be in the fast food industry, and with companies that sell commodities like soap or shoes. Yet, when it comes to the auto repair business, with just two exceptions, I feel that this type of marketing is a bad fit. Here’s why …

The Reality Of Social Media ROI

I’m going to level with you; there really isn’t some magic way to get the social media ROI you want (and think you need) as a shop owner. Sure, all the data may be there in one form or another, but it can take one heck of a lot of merging and purging to attribute that one sale to that one click on Facebook. Truth is; it’s a process that requires everyone involved to be all in. Yes, I am pointing directly and squarely at YOU.

Are Discounts And Coupons Right For Your Shop?

Regardless of their income, the majority of your customers are very sensitive to price, even if they have been dealing with you for years. During these tough economic times they’re looking for value, and they determine value not by the lowest price, but by what they receive in return.

Build Morale And Car Counts

If you would like to bring in more customers during these competitive times, and build employee morale all at once, then here’s a guaranteed way to do so that your competitors would never think of.

No-Pressure Selling Is A ‘No-Brainer’

As I pinball across North America training independent tire and auto service businesses on sales and customer service, it has become clear that many salespeople are under the impression that they must aggressively work to close the sale when interacting with customers, or they will lose business.

How Advertising Works

People buy when they are ready to buy, not necessarily when you are ready to sell. Don’t get frustrated if an advertisement does not get the response you were looking for. The purpose of advertising and marketing is to maintain a continuous stream of information to your customer. The more you can connect with your customers and other people in your market area, the more you increase your chances of those people coming to you when they are ready to buy.

Marketing Budgets For Building World-Class Auto Repair Shops

In the world of auto repair and service, one thing is certain: You are going to lose customers. They will move, no longer have a need for their vehicle, turn to one of your competitors, or buy a new vehicle and then take it to the dealer for service.

Car Care Council Vehicle Check-Up Events Boost Customer Confidence And Help Shops Garner Unperformed Maintenance Opportunities

More than 100 vehicles were inspected in October during the first-ever consumer vehicle check-up event conducted by the Car Care Council in conjunction with the Northwood University International Auto Show in Midland, MI.

Call The Top 3% Of Your Customers In December

The holiday season is right around the corner, so do what your competition will never think to do. Identify the top 3 percent of your active customers, as well as the individuals who have referred the most people to you over the past year. Then set aside time to call them during the middle of December.

Want More Customers In January? Touch The Right Hearts In December

So your business is going to be closed on Christmas day, and you’ll be at home with your family. Lucky you. Unfortunately, this is not the case with many who work in your local police department, fire department, emergency rooms and animal rescue services.