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Free Auto Care Careers Recruitment Guide For Hiring Managers

In addition to outlining methods to attract recent graduates and military veterans, the guide features social media recruitment strategies and ways to strengthen retention and mentoring efforts.

Cardinal Plaza Shell: Keeping Pace With An Evolving Industry, But Firmly Planted In Core Values

When people refer to you and your staff as “the car guys,” you know you’ve gone above and beyond as a repair shop. That’s exactly how repeat customers think of shop owner Scott Brown and his crew at Cardinal Plaza Shell in Springfield, VA.

cardinal plaza shell group
What To Know About Performing Employee Background Checks

While conducting reference checks on potential employees is a sensible way of managing your business risk, employers must carefully follow legal limits on the type and extent of background checks they can conduct.

Former Director Of The CIA And NSA Michael Hayden To Speak At AAPEX 2016

During his address, Hayden will dissect political situations in hot spots around the world, analyzing the tumultuous global environment and offering an unapologetic insider’s look at what it all means for America and America’s interests.

Auto Care Careers Recruitment Guide Now Available

The guide is divided by audience segment, including millennials, recent graduates, career and technical education students, and military veterans. Each section includes recommendations for engaging that particular audience with information on what they may be looking for in their career, along with relevant data and successful case studies.

Performing Background Checks

While conducting reference checks on potential employees is a sensible way of managing your business risk, employers must carefully follow legal limits on the type and extent of background checks they can conduct.

Finding And Keeping Quality Service Technicians

Over the past several years I have been actively involved in several aftermarket associations where the topic of technician shortages has been discussed. Depending on the association, I have heard that we’re down anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 quality technicians – a number that appears to grow each year, fueled by events such as position changes, retirement and individuals exiting the industry all together.

Looking To Sell Your Business? Debunking An Aftermarket Myth

As a tire or automotive service shop owner looking to sell your business, you may be making the process even more challenging by mistakenly disqualifying potential buyers who would actually make great owners.

NACE | CARS Announces Detroit Destination And Technical Tours

NACE | CARS has announced details for the destination tours in Detroit for 2015. These tours have been organized to provide attendees with the opportunity to visit some of Detroit’s historical venues, as well as gain firsthand insight into the original automotive plants through both docent-guided and self-guided tours.

Don’t Wait Until You Lose A Tech

Perhaps the worst time to look to hire a technician, is when we lose one. At that point we go into “Crisis Hire” mode. We most often settle for anyone, rather than taking our time to find the right person. We need to take a lesson from large organizations and sports teams. Their strategy? They continually recruit. I did not say continually hire, I said continually recruit.