Commentary Archives - Page 3 of 4 -
What’s Under The Hood? Who Knows.

Are today’s engines really so delicate they need this much protection?

Great Customer Service Can’t Be Artificially Generated

While many things in your shop can be automated, honest interactions still require human contact.

GB Remanufacturing’s Michael Kitching on AMN Drivetime

Kitching says he’s proud to be part of the industry as reman gets the sustainability attention it deserves.

How EVs Are Upending Car Rental Norms

EVs appeal to rental companies because they offer efficiencies and options to customers.

How Some Shops Fight Catalytic Converter Thefts

Catalytic converters are critical to performance and appealing to criminal organizations. What can be done about thefts?

Distracted Driving Is A Bad Idea – So Are These Laws

Though maybe a good idea once, not all traffic laws are still necessary.

Creative Motivation Helps Build A Stronger Team

When your crew works as a team, exciting things happen. Just ask Dennis Goodhue (when he’s home from Hawaii).

As Cars Keep Aging, What Will The Future Look Like?

The big issue for the next 22 years is how sensors and software that make driving safer impact vehicle serviceability.

Is Your Customer’s Dirty Car Off Limits To Commentary?

Just because it may not be illegal, should you post images or your customer’s dirty, damaged vehicle?

Does A Win On Sunday Still Give Your Team A Boost?

As a business owner, you know that a dream team of superstars won’t succeed if they can’t work together.

Parts and Artificial Intelligence

While a catalog will tell you what will fit, it won’t tell you if the part has issues or if a better part is available.

Today’s Lowest-Tech Fuel System Component

Are your customers aware that using a gas can to fill their vehicle may not work like it used to? They’ll need the funnel.