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Recruit New Techs

As the editor of Shop Owner’s sister publication, Tomorrow’s Technician, I’ve seen schools do an amazing job of laying out opportunities for local businesses to work with their students. Many businesses don’t even realize these opportunities are available, or simply haven’t dedicated their time to building these vital relationships with local schools.

Finding The Right Employee Health Care Benefits For Your Team

Employee health care is a top concern for repair shops and tire dealers – and for legitimate reasons. According to MetLife’s 2018 “Employee Benefit Trends Study,” 54% of millennials cite their benefits as a determining factor in deciding where to work. Simply put, you could be losing out on young, passionate employees simply because your benefits package – if you offer one at all – is not competitive.

Revolutionize Your Repair Shop With Texting Technology

Text messages outnumber phone calls five to one. An amazing 98% of text messages are opened. Take a guess at how many text messages are read within the first three minutes of being received … 90%!

Six Factors For Successful Sales Training

There is no doubt that a well designed and effectively executed sales and customer service training program can dramatically improve your auto service business. Improved customer relations and retention, increased employee productivity, less discounting and more profitable sales are just a few key benefits of a successful training program.

Two Keys To A Higher Car Count

Car count has been a concern of just about every shop owner I’ve talked with at one point or another. Most of the time, shop owners take it upon themselves to bear the burden of the responsibility for car count. But, the truth is, that improving your car count is an entire shop effort and can’t be done without everyone on staff buying in and pulling their weight.

The Hidden Value Of Local Chamber Of Commerce Membership

Traditionally, automotive service businesses tend to get looked down upon by other business professionals. This image can make being an active member of a chamber of commerce seem daunting.

Environmentally Friendly Automotive Repair

Some people scoff at the environmentally friendly movement
thinking it’s just a fad, or something that’s “hippie.” But, that’s quite
the contrary. Globally there has been an insurgence of consumers
who are seeking out sustainable companies and products.

How To Raise The Bar On Sales

How do you set the bar for high performance at your automotive business? This article covers six essential elements.

Resolve To Get Organized In 2019

Working in the automotive repair industry can be a nightmare in terms of time management and work-life balance. At one time or another, we’ve all gone through periods of putting in 80-hour work weeks and barely seeing the light of day, much less our loved ones. Ever walk into your shop on a day off and feel like you can’t get out of there?

Loaner Car Programs: Adding Convenience And Value For Customers

While courtesy shuttles once served as a solution, today they no longer offer the same “wow factor” for customers as they once did. Instead, savvy shop owners are beginning to follow the example of luxury car dealerships – offering customers a loaner car to use while their own vehicle is in the shop, especially in the case of overnight repairs.

Ongoing Business Plans

A Harvard University study found that the amount of time spent on assembling a business plan is directly related to that business’s success. Owners who spend six months or less on the plan ended up with an 80% failure rate, but those who spent a year or more on the plan had an 80% success rate.

Converting Price Shoppers: Using A Different Approach Can Win Them Over

Today, before a customer calls, they’ve checked out your website and online reviews. They are half sold on you already. You ruin the sale with your no-quote, “bring it in” attitude. Then, when they don’t make an appointment, you make it their fault and say, “Another price shopper.”