Bob Cooper, Author at Shop Owner Magazine - Page 5 of 11
The Job Description Of A World Class Auto Repair Shop Manager

If you want to build a more profitable, successful auto repair business, you’ll need to make sure that every single employee has a clearly defined, written job description. If you’re a shop owner who has a manager in place, then here’s a list of things you will need to include in their job description.

An Auto Shop’s Guide To Handling Web Leads

In today’s world, your customers have 24/7 access to the web. Whether it be on their home computer, work computer or their smartphone, no matter where they are they can be online within moments. This is just one of the many reasons today’s consumers are turning to the web for answers, and more and more shops are receiving requests for quotes over the web. This simple three-step guide has been developed to help you better handle those web leads in the most professional way, and turn them into customers at the same time.

Employee Reviews: A Shop Owner’s Guide Of Best Practices

One of the most common questions we hear from shop owners is regarding how often they should perform employee reviews. I would like to use this article to not only answer this question, but to provide you with a guide that will enable you to perform reviews that will keep your employees happy and productive.

A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity For Shop Owners

In the coming years, there will be an absolute explosion that will take place in the vehicle infotainment industry. I am referring to the mixture of onboard data such as onboard diagnostics, guidance systems and vehicle control features, and the entertainment/communication features such as Wi-Fi, voice texting and audio/video systems.

A Shop Owner’s Guide To Advertising In 2015

Many shop owners get into trouble by throwing their money at just about every advertising opportunity that comes along. Their intentions are good, but more often than not they end up wasting a lot of money, and bringing in the wrong customers. So putting first things first, as every successful business owner will do, you need to identify your ideal customer, then create a plan that targets that individual.

Illegal Substances And Their Impact On An Auto Repair Business

As I am sure you’re aware, an employee’s drug use can lead to injuries and losses that will drive up your insurance rates, absenteeism, poor performance and even theft. If you’re unsure of what to do, then you’re reading the right ­article.

Tesla Is More Than Just Another Automobile – It’s An Omen For Our Industry

Over the years our industry has seen many changes. For example, beyond the changes in styling and efficiencies, today’s vehicles are better built, they last longer, and they require less frequent servicing than they have in the past. But there is one emerging trend that will have a far greater impact on our industry than all the other changes combined. Consider this …

Think Your Business Isn’t Going To Change Dramatically? Think Again

All great companies have one thing in common: They realize industries and consumers need change, so they follow their customers. Apple provides a great example. As we all know, when Apple started they were a computer company, but when that industry began to decline, Steve Jobs was able to see that his targeted customers were investing in music. This is why Apple Computers became Apple Inc., is why they reached a point a few years ago where their online music sales exceeded their computer sales, and is why today they are in the mobile device business.

The Truth About Stealing Employees

There is an expression that has been around our industry for decades that says if you run a good, ethical business, the one thing you should never do is “steal” employees. If you agree with that philosophy, this is one article you may want to read.

The Silent Killer Of Auto Repair Shops

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of watching hundreds of shop owners go to the top, and truly become industry leaders. I have also seen thousands of shop owners who struggle from day to day until they finally either try to find someone who is willing to take over their business at any price, or they simply close their doors and walk away. There are many reasons why shops fail, including lack of business skills and the unwillingness to reach out for help before it’s too late, but there is one silent killer that I have seen take even the best shops down.

Tips On Hiring The Superstars In Competitive Times

One of the single greatest challenges shop owners face today is finding and hiring the superstars. Regardless of whether you are looking to hire technicians or service advisers, here are some tips that will help you hire the stars.

Earning The Continued Trust Of Your Internal Customers

Many years ago, I read an article that featured an interview with Herb Kelleher, the co-founder of Southwest Airlines. In the article, he stated that he and his mother (who was a Harvard graduate) would often debate who was more important. He argued that it was the employees of a company, and his mom argued that it was the customers. With all due respect, I would argue, why does it need to be one or the other?

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