Joanne Draus Klein, Author at Shop Owner Magazine
Staying Power: Boosting Employee Retention Rates

The cold, hard facts make it abundantly clear: Companies, including automotive repair shops, need to change how they treat employees, not only if they want high retention rates, but simply if they want to succeed. After all, less than a third of American workers feel engaged at work, according to a 2013 Gallup Poll. This should matter to repair shops, if for no other reason than because statistics suggest the more engaged employees are, the more likely they’ll stay – and the more successful their companies will become.

When Disaster Strikes

From tornadoes, hurricanes and floods to fires, earthquakes and more, no one knows when or where a disaster might strike. Natural disasters can cripple cities and towns in their wake, leaving homeowners and businesses to clean up the mess for months – and sometimes – years to come.